
And Happy 3rd of July (or whatever you and your wife celebrate) to you! Yes, moving to another country, even one with a similar culture like Canada was a very challenging endeavor. Of course, as we both have Canadian wives, the path is a bit smoother. I hold on to the hope that honest people with good intentions will eventually prevail in the USA. But there may be a few stressful years in-between. I have a brother and sister there and am concerned for them. The young people give me hope, though. I'm fairly confident that the next generation of leaders will be more kind, generous, and reasonable. Cheers!

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Happy Canada Day to you guys! I hear you Robert! My wife is also a Canadian Citizen and we talk at least weekly about the possibility of us moving up north! While the thought of becoming ab immigrant a second time in my life sounds overwhelming sometimes, I do find myself in a place that I no longer understand! I grateful for the US giving me a refuge at a time I desperately needed. I guess I am hoping against hope that we will come back to come kind of moral decency! I’ll read your book when I have a minute!

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