
Thanks Luca. It is beautiful to feel hope and joyous laughter in politics again!

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Once again Jill, you made me cry with your beautiful poignant post! I cried all the way through the DNC, and I became dehydrated when Kamala gave her speech! I volunteered for her campaign back in 2004, when as a new immigrant, I was young and full of gratitude to the country that gave me a right to exist and I wanted to have a voice and since I couldn’t vote yet, I volunteered for the local races! She was running for District Attorney of San Francisco! I was drawn to her by her conviction and tenacity, her integrity and her kindness, so now to have the ability to vote for her as a president is overwhelmingly hopeful! Your words express everything I feel about her and what she represents to me but writing is not one of my talents! Thank you! I hope beyond hope that in this ugly political environment in the US we can start a new era for all of us with a leader like her!

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