
Yeah... I couldn't agree with you more. I was literally gobsmacked reading that article. I cannot understand how athletes can even live with themselves taking such risky measures and outright cheating. It kind of takes the joy out of the endeavour in my eyes!

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It goes to show you, it’s not about being the best but about winning at any cost! It would take the joy out for me too!

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Re- carbon monoxide as a "training" tool. Having a few decades as a firefighter, a permanent content of CO in my blood stream from a lifetime of CO exposure and lung damage that CO may have contributed to, I would just like to say: ARE YOU !@#$ MINDED #$%^& FILLED @#$% BRAIN-DAMAGED %$#@ #$%^ ME??? CO is not just a toxic poison used for executions, it cripples the body's pulmonary system with long term exposure. Just look at the chest x-rays of any 2 pack a day smoker after 20 years of smoking. "Performance enhancing"??? Why not just inject bleach into your bloodstream as suggested by a former US President! End of rant.

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I wonder what people will think of next as a way to mess up with the miraculous machines that are our bodies! Totally agree with Gary’s rant! I work with babies who have bodies that don’t work and it’s sad to hear how people mess themselves up on purpose!

Jill your video was hilarious and I specially loved the stuffed kitty touch when you went to sleep! I have diving dreams all the time!

Robert you are fine! You’ll stay young forever if you choose to! My wife is 19 years older than me, one year older than you and I can barely keep up with her! My wife is made out of the same cloth as Jill!

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