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A lot of people have a moment in their life when it feels like you need to take a leap of faith! You don’t know what’s ahead. I think it’s easier to take that leap of faith when you don’t feel like the status quo is a choice. When you left Toronto to go the Caymans, I imagine you felt suffocated by your life and needed to break free!

I had my Alex Borstein’s grandma moment, not quite that extreme but it was close! I had to make a decision quickly, not acting was not

an option and it led me to a life beyond my wildest imagination as a

child. I didn’t even have the reference and vocabulary to wish the magical moments I have experienced and continue to experience in my life. Yes, I changed countries, careers but it was so so worth it! When I share my story, my friends tell me how brave they think I was. I always tell them. It was not brave, I didn’t have a choice! I think sometimes people get stuck in inaction because they have too much to lose! Stepping into the darkness can be scary but the possibilities sometimes are life changing! Not easy but worth it! As always Jill, your article resonated with me so deeply! Thank you!

Robert, I am still keeping all my letters and photos in a box in the attic. That’s the non digital content! On my computer, I have over 200,000 photos and I kept every single song I wrote and yeah, most of it is crap. Every time my wife reminds me it’s time to clean them up, I hesitate. Maybe I need to learn to let go of the crap! Congratulations on the new Robert!

I am so happy for you two, for finding each other! Your pictures together are so sweet. I wish you many many more years of continuous joy and happiness together!

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